Friday 27 January 2012

Hasty Decisions

Young love, I’m all for it, but young, legally binding, marriage is not exactly my cup of tea.     

There are a lot of big decisions in life that like to disguise themselves as fun and exciting new adventures that you just cannot wait to partake in.  These big decisions can also be associated with impulse and one-track thinking. 

I’m talking about decisions like, getting married at a very young age. 

I feel as if a lot of these life altering decisions are taken to lightly these days and that society needs to take a step back and ask themselves what they’re really expecting out of their lives. 
            I understand that I have no right to be judgmental toward the couples that decide to get married in high school, but seriously, this isn’t the renaissance.  Kids in don’t realize that there is life and love outside of the brick confines of high school relationships and it ends up being damaging to their future. 

What did they expect?

            Personally, I don’t think that marriage should be taken so lightly and it’s not the religious aspect of it at all, that means nothing today.  It’s the legality of the whole shebang.  Marriage is a big deal.  I don’t believe in the rush of it all because how many people really stay the same person that they were in high school for the rest of their lives?  Unless you have the same ideals as you did when you were 16 at 25, I don’t see it lasting.
            It’s also the difficulty of marriage that is misunderstood.  A marriage between couple at two different colleges in different provinces would be quite difficult to maintain.  There are some genuine couples who are able to do long distance, but straight out of high school with a whole new world at your fingertips, things may start to get lost in translation.    
            In my opinion, which I can only make heard, is that there shouldn’t be a rush.  You get one life and you may as well try to make the best decisions for yourself.  Don’t hang all of your future expectations on a high school romance, because there’s plenty of time to sign a piece of paper and say, “I do” after college.


  1. You opinion is well constructed, but I wouldn't worry too much. Statistic suggest that the the majority of people are waiting later and later to get married. There is no longer the need to get married to have a family and NO NEED to get married to get to know each other more intimately. And many are just opting not to or to wait. Hopefully the highschool students you speak of will see this trend and realize there is no rush. I am about to get married, after graduating College and I am still a little worried it is a little early for such grand life decisions.

  2. Thanks for your comment Amanda. I agree with you, there is less of a need or rush for people to get married too young these days. I don't know a large amount of high school couples settling down, but I do see a lot of teens fresh out of high school getting married and that still sets me off a bit. But, you only live once. So you may as well take as many risks as you're willing to, I suppose!
